Due to the fact that in US there's a missing child every 40 seconds, every parents, grandparents and family must realize that indeed child safety is something we are always aware of. Although I and my family are living in Indonesia that is so far away from US, it doesn't mean that the fact above is not dwelling in my mind, as a dad of a 2 years old child.
Good parents will afford the best to their children, including to keep the children in sight thus parents can control every move they make to prevent our children being missing children. But we have jobs and work, it's impossible to just keep them in sight and leave our day job, because job also important for us and for the children.
Driven by curiosity, I tried to search for some kind of solution to prevent missing children, and it led to a website called childalertsystem.com that provides gadget and system to help parents find their child and reduce the amount of time that a child is away from home. Child Alert System offers a system for storing critical information for up to 10 children per family. Information is synchronized in 3 locations including a 1 gig USB keychain, personal hard drive, and Child Alert System's secure online, password-protected account.
Below are information stored in the child's profile: Photos, Fingerprints, Dental records, Identifying marks, DNA analysis reports, Full biographical information and Included with the system kit are: fingerprint, dental record, identifying cards, dna kits, access to an emergency telephone coordinator, KidzMap and more!
However, this gadget and system is not a replacement for law enforcement officials or child locator, it's only a system to assist them and parents in finding child via useful features such as: KidzMap and KidzBlast that will spread child id in a blast after parents initiates the alert.
Are you a good parents? I encourage you to visit www.childalertsystem.com for further informations about this awesome system.
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