Looking for a friend to play tennis? You can ask my friend, Moses to have a couple or triple game set with you. He’s a highly addicted guy with this sport which invented in 1873 by a British army officer, Major Walter Clopton Wingfield. I’m always impressed about his techniques in playing tennis, also his wide knowledge about the sport itself.
He sometimes teach tennis lesson on several high school, bring him a lot of stuff to share about it. Usually he starts the tennis conversation on its history, where the game was called Sphairistiké (Greek for “playing at ball”) by the Major. But some early players preferred to call Wingfield’s game tennis-on-the-lawn, or lawn tennis. Then he would precede the story about how the game was brought to the United States, the standardization of the rules, the first world amateur championship, and other historical stories. What come next is usually the technical issues whenever we’re ready to play tennis, the ball, field, rackets, and the rules. Moses usually done with his theoretical explanation about tennis in 3 sessions of class, and then proceed with the real practice on the tennis field.
So, there’s my friend Moses. He is a tennis expert and knows the game as well as he knows of his own body. For a set of tennis play I’ll pick Moses for the game opponent, but when I look for quality tennis stuffs, I’ll go for TennisPlaza.Com. It’s an online one-stop service for every tennis player needs, from tennis rackets, tennis shoes, and apparels like tennis skirts [that wicks the sweat away] and tennis shirts.
Spanning on wide range of tennis equipment, TennisPlaza.Com offers the best deal on prices and services. They stated that they provide the latest technology for tennis strings which doesn’t slide during the play, and it does. I never had an unsatisfied state about the things I bought, but I surely believe that they will hand any complain as the opportunity to build a good relationship with their customers. Just like my friend Moses.
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